Tradgeeks Podcast - Traditional Archery Podcast And Bowhunting

Tradgeeks Podcast- Episode #5- Featuring Donnie Vincent



"It was in Connecticut where I grew up that my love of wildlife and hunting really developed. It was snapping turtles, leopard frogs and garter snakes that instilled my passion for exploration and biology; I couldn’t get enough books about them or all the other animals of the world, however, it was my father’s stories of hunting northern Maine and his collection of Jack O’Connor books that inspired me most. Those stories of mountain hunts, grizzly bears, pack trains, hunters taping out their dall sheep horns by lantern; it was all I ever wanted to do. During college, I continued to follow my passion and studied Wildlife Biology where I received an opportunity to study Bengal tigers in both Bangladesh and Nepal. I found the travel, the element of danger and the exposure to new cultures and wildlife intoxicating. I then went on to work for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service in Alaska collecting genetic and age class samples of Pacific salmon. I spent long summers living in a 1 person-backpacking tent through a