Rural Futures With Dr. Connie

Intro! Intersecting technology, leadership and rural-urban collaboration



Through the Rural Futures podcast, host Dr. Connie Reimers-Hild, associate executive director and chief futurist at the Rural Futures Institute (RFI) at the University of Nebraska, and producer Katelyn Ideus, RFI director of communications, connect achievers, mavericks and doers in both rural and urban communities, organizations and companies to bring forward a thriving high-touch, high-tech combined future. In this introductory episode they share their educational, career and personal backgrounds as well as their goals for the show. Throughout season 1, listeners can expect to hear from researchers, entrepreneurs and innovators from healthcare, agriculture, education, technology and from communities around the country. The calls to action for this episode — let us know what questions and ideas you have to make this a valuable experience for you and subscribe where you listen, so you don't miss a weekly episode!