Stand Up And Shine

Exploring EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) with Joe Pantaleo EFT Practitioner and Founder of Tapping for Freedom



Today we will be exploring EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) or Tapping with Joe Pantaleo EFT Practitioner and Founder of Tapping for Freedom.  What do you do when you are faced with your own mortality,  a health scare started Joe on a path to explore and research to help himself and came upon EFT and found that this energy healing modality really worked.  So much so, he transformed his life.  He went from a construction worker to becoming an EFT practitioner.  Now he is using what he's learned to help transform others.  You can find Joe Pantaleo EFT Practitioner at and on social media Instagram, Facebook and on YouTube under Tapping for Freedom.