Strength Students

#92 Backs Are the New Abs! 8 Lifts You Need To Build An Ape-Like Back



Backs are the new abs! Stop wasting your time on the ab-roller (kidding, you should have a strong, ripped stomach too). If you want a big, strong, ape-like back, here are our top-8 lifts that you need to be doing: 1. Dumbbell row 2. Neutral grip pull-up 3. Single-arm cable row 4. Underhand barbell row 5. Tractor pulls 6. Lat push downs (not pull downs) 7. Ring rows 8. Reverse hyper-extension/back raise SEND NEWSDZ: Smart Back Training For Maximal Muscle Growth ( Don’t forget to subscribe to the Strength Squad Podcast on iTunes & Stitcher! Love the show? Make sure you leave us a five star review! YOU CAN CATCH THE LATEST EPISODES OF THE STRENGTH SQUAD PODCAST ON: YOUTUBE: ITUNES: STITCHER: SOCIAL MEDIA: Facebook: Strength Squad Instagram: @strengthsquadpodcast Twitter: @strengthpodcast Thank you to our sponsor Plant Warrior Protein. Head over to for access to