Rational Radio Daily With Steele And Ungar

"Getting older voters to talk to exit pollsters is still a huge problem."



“What happened?” That’s the question Hillary Clinton and so many others were asking on the morning of November 9, 2016. Part of the immense confusion and frustration was directed at the pollsters who had said for months that Clinton was leading Donald J. Trump. How could they have gotten it so wrong? Shortly after the election, Fox News and the Associated Press pulled out of the media consortium that funds major polling outlets in order to focus on crafting and executing their own polling. These polls aim for a much larger scope than traditional exit polls and won't focus on “exiting” voters but will try to capture a better picture of all voter attitudes up to the close of voting stations. Can this new model compensate for the flaws in the old one? Domenico Montanaro, lead political editor at National Public Radio, talks about his reporting on the Fox and AP polling model. The NFL announced a new policy today that they think will end the controversy around players protesting during the national anthem. Michae