Observations: The Qando Podcast

Observations for 25 May 18



Someone forgot to record the first minute of the podcast. It was frickin' brilliant, too. Just because someone is covertly gathering intelligence on the Trump campaign on behalf of a government agency, that's no reason to call him a "spy". Spy is such a loaded term. We have moved, by the way, from "Asserting someone spied on the rump campaign is insane," to "The spying was for Trump's own good!" Um...OK. The DOJ has released the secret draft of the DoJ IG report on the FBI's Clinton Email investigation. Can't wait to read it. Trump canceled the NoKo summit with Kim Jong-Un. Like the Spanish Inquisition, nobody expected it. Cops are not racists who just want to shoot black people. They're shooting whites, they're shooting Asians, they're shooting indiscriminately. And that should be applauded. A federal judge ruled that it is unconstitutional for Donald Trump to block people on Twitter, because reasons.