Archangel Metatron Forecast

Ep. 132 "Suffering is an Art"



This week your energy is best spent releasing unforgiveness that is no longer serving you. We often see you run from your pain and deny your suffering. You are an expert at ignoring and refusing to acknowledge the wounds stuffed deep in your heart. Or you hide behind your mantras and affirmations wanting so badly to "feel" better. We invite you this week to move deeply into your suffering naming the pain and emotions and then moving even deeper still into the black abyss of pain. Holding your inner child as they scream in agony from lifetimes of unexpressed suffering. When you allow yourself to fully experience this pain you will begin to enjoy these opportunities of growth instead of dreading them, because turning toward your pain opens a portal of God's love and grace. Turning toward your pain instead of away allows you to embrace all aspects of yourself, your successes along with your failures. The more you do this the brighter your light becomes until eventually, your vibration is so high you begin