Gina Luker Live

Are You Sabotaging Your Own Success



Tired of struggling to figure out why you have money blocks? These three simple mind shifts can transform your business & your life! Money blocks...... oh they're powerful - but it's all in your head. You know that, right? Success blockers are all about getting rid of old mindsets, usually ingrained in us since childhood.  If you grew up poor, like I did, then you've been tainted with the idea that money is basically evil. But it's NOT. And we are sabotaging success that we could find in life if we don't fix our broken money mindsets. Whether you feel like you "don't deserve" it - or if you feel like you just can't get past all the emotional and subconscious garbage that's weighing you down, hopefully this episode of the podcast can help you to let it go and start to grow your blog & business to new heights! *This episode on Sabotaging Success was pre-recorded as a Facebook Live* Are you Sabotaging Your Own Success?