Rapp Report

Do not listen b/c Transgenderism defeats Atheism | Rapp Report Weekly 003 | Andrew Rappaport | SFE | Striving for Eternity



This week's Rapp Report is one you should not listen to. In this episode, we prove that transgender is an makes the arguments for atheism self-refuting. Chaz Bono says, “There's a gender in your brain and a gender in your body. For 99% of people, those things are in alignment. For transgender people, their mismatch. That's all it is. It's not complicated, it's not a neurosis. It's a mix up. It's a birth defect, like a cleft palate." This quote is an attempt to normalize the definition by providing new terms. When we deal with transgender is and we're dealing with a new definition of terminology in an attempt to normalize something that was previously identified as a mental illness. One transgender remembrance Day poster stated, "34% of trans people attempt suicide.  64% are bullied.  73% of trans people are harassed in public.  21% of trans people avoid going out in public due to fear."  Now even if the statistics are accurate, there is no comparison to the statistics and other groups. Many teenagers attempt