Sandra Webber's Own It Podcast

Meaningful goals for yourself and others



Episode Three   This episode is all about setting meaningful goals for yourself and others   SMART acronym    S = Specific language M – Measureable – how are you going to know you have achieved it? A – Attainable/Achievable however not too easy R – Realistic and Relevant to your job or life goals T – Time bound – dates when this will be achieved     Scary goal – it pushes you out of your comfort zone and even reading it back to yourself when set out as above feels scary!       Check my book out here Own It book on Amazon   The website for our business services   My coaching website   My email for questions you may have or you would like me to answer on future episodes   Please join us over on any of these social links   Facebook Twitter  LinkedIn   Ben Bruton-Cox the guy who professionally produces these podcasts and a brilliant videographer