Rational Radio Daily With Steele And Ungar

"Jerusalem IS going to stay the capital of Israel."



The United States opened its embassy in Jerusalem earlier today as part of its formal recognition of the city as the capital of Israel. Today also happens to be the 70th anniversary of President Truman’s recognition of Israeli sovereignty. While U.S. and Israeli lawmakers celebrated, thousands of Palestinians protested at the border of the Gaza Strip. Israeli forces used deadly force on Palestinian groups they claimed were trying to plant explosives. Over 50 people were killed and many more were wounded. Will we see more violence? What impact will it have on prospects for peace in the Middle East? Dr. Michael Makovsky, president and CEO of the Jewish Institute for National Security of America, talks about the potential geopolitical consequences for both the Israelis and Palestinians. Former FCC Commissioner Michael Copps discusses how Democrats can capitalize on the issue of net neutrality at the ballot box in November.