Rational Radio Daily With Steele And Ungar

"This is a presidency where one day feels like a week."



NBC News reported Monday that White House chief of staff John Kelly, increasingly frustrated with the president, called President Trump an “idiot” in one meeting and has tried to portray himself as a bulwark to hold back the president’s chaos. According to eight current and former White House officials, Kelly's comments to aides has eroded morale in the West Wing. Kelly pushed back against the story, calling it “total BS.” Will the chief of staff get the boot? Carol Lee, a national political reporter for NBC News who helped break the story, talks about Kelly's future in the administration. Keziah Daum, an eighteen-year-old student in Utah, bought a Chinese dress to wear to her prom. When she posted a photo of herself in the dress, she was attacked on social media and accused of cultural appropriation. Daum joins Rick and guest co-host Bill Tucker to discuss the whole ordeal.