Rational Radio Daily With Steele And Ungar

"I think it's a head-fake"



The Washington Post reported Tuesday night that special counsel Robert Mueller warned President Trump's legal team back in March that he could subpoena the president and bring him before a grand jury if he won't agree to sit down for an interview. Legal experts began debating and discussing whether a sitting president could be subpoenaed at all, let alone by the special counsel. Former federal prosecutor Doug Burns talks to Rick and guest co-host Rick Tyler about whether Mueller can and will subpoena President Trump. He also shares his thoughts on the potential interview questions that were leaked earlier this week. Former Health and Human Services Secretary Tom Price acknowledged in a speech Tuesday to the 15th annual World Health Care Congress that repealing the Affordable Care Act's individual mandate will increase premiums for all Americans. It was a surprising admission from a long-time opponent of Obamacare. The guys discuss what this hypocrisy says about our politics and our policies.