Rational Radio Daily With Steele And Ungar

"I think we are losing sight...of what reality and actual facts are."



The cover story for this month’s issue of “The Nation” magazine, “Election 2018 Is Off To The Racists”, chronicles the growing number of openly racist and white supremacist candidates in Republican elections since President Trump won the presidency in November 2016. How did the party of Lincoln get to this point? Evan Siegfried, a Republican political strategist and president of Somm Consulting, shares his thoughts on why the party is experiencing this uptick in non-traditional and extremist candidates. T.S. Ellis III, the federal judge in the Paul Manafort case, warned special counsel Robert Mueller last Friday that he may be overstepping his mandate as special counsel and accused Mueller of trying to bring down President Trump. Georgia State law professor Eric Segall talks to Rick Ungar and guest co-host Rick Tyler about the judge’s comments and the real concern in the legal community over the powers of a special counsel.