Nothing's Really Real

(Ep 32) Ro Campbell



What a great episode. International Stand Up Comedian, Ro Campbell is an Australian comic, passing through Korea for his first time and doing a handful of shows around the peninsula. He is very funny, thoughtful and a wonderful story teller. 
 Ro came for a podcast and we go places, dear listeners. Ro tells stories about what led him to the international lifestyle. We talk nerves before shows, the international road gig lifestyle, and the lows that might make a comedian want to throw in the towel. 
Ro tells hilarious and interesting stories about being the local crew for major rock shows in Australia. And thanks to us shotgunning the deliciously strong Conan Double IPAs provided by our friends at Galmegi Brewery – things get a little heavy and personal. I’d write more, but I feel it’s too cheap and click-baity to even tease some of the places we go.
 Ro is a real one – he came to the show and opened himself up and we had some damn laughs while we did it. It’s a five star episode.

 Don’t miss seeing Ro’s sho