Movie Go Round

19: Fences



For our next Future Classics pick, Brett has brought us “Fences,” Denzel Washington’s adaptation of the August Wilson play about fathers and sons, husbands and wives, people of color and the white institutions they have to deal with. Join us as we discuss things like, Does this make a good (and one day classic) movie in its own right? Is Denzel’s character, Troy, a bad man, or a man trying to be a good husband and father and failing at both? And is Viola Davis’ runny nose a distraction from the speech that helped earn her the Oscar? Next week is You Did This to Us and the pick is "Gremlins 2." Please note that we reversed Around the World and Future Classics this round, which is why you're getting Future Classics after Around the World. Next round it goes back to normal! Email us! Head on over to for more podcast episodes, columns, and more!