Critical Doctrine

Seven Trumpet Bowls of God's Wrath: Eschatology 2 - Critical Doctrine



In this sermon series Rob studies the events that the Bible reveals, which must take place before the coming of the Lord. This sermon, called 'Seven Trumpet Bowls of God's Wrath", reveals how the Seven trumpets in Revelation and the Seven Bowls of God's Wrath are in actual fact the same events.This sermon is part of a sub-series called 'Eschatology', which is part of the overall umbrella series of 'Ciritical Doctrine'. In this sub-series 'Eschatology' Rob is doing a study of End Times and how it relates to us today.Author and minister Rob Cartledge presents a series of sermons called 'Critical Doctrine', Titus 2:1 "You must teach what is in accord with sound doctrine." Multitudes of professed Christians around the globe are perplexed when it comes to doctrine and clearly articulating their faith. Because of this lack of understanding many Christians are believing the most absurd and heretical beliefs, and due to this we have seen an incredible increase of cultish views even inside of mainstream churches. This