Movie Go Round

15: Warcraft



Welcome to another round of You Did This to Us. Episode 15 is up, and it’s “Warcraft: The Beginning.” If you’ve ever played a massively multiplayer online game and thought to yourself, “Damn, these cut scenes are so cinematic and intriguing! I wonder what would happen if they added a lot of half-assed, not-terribly-logical live action to them and put them on the big screen?” then we have good news for you! The movie actually isn’t too bad to look at, so hey, maybe give it a watch (or don’t) and come join us as we talk about this paean to orcs and humans, green forests and dark magic, and why you probably shouldn’t go into combat if you’re in active labor. Next week is "The Miracle of Morgan's Creek." Email us! Head on over to for more podcast episodes, columns, and more!