Across The Margin: The Podcast

Episode 38: Rodger Kamenetz's Natural Dreamwork



In the latest episode of Across the Margin’s podcast, award-winning poet, author and teacher Rodger Kamenetz ventures Beyond the Margin to discuss a subject he has devoted his entire life to, dreams. Kamenetz, a prolific and bestselling author of ten books, is best known for The Jew in the Lotus, which follows the story of rabbis making a holy pilgrimage through India to meet with the Dalai Lama. His account of their historic dialogue became an international bestseller, prompting a reevaluation of Judaism in the light of Buddhist thought. But of all of Kamenetz's works, the one that drew in Beyond the Margin host Michael Shields was The History of Last Night's Dream, a novel that delves into a mysterious inner realm and suggests the idea that dreams are not only intensely meaningful, but hold essential truths about who we are. When The History of Last Night's Dream was released in 2007, Oprah Winfrey interviewed Kamenetz on her "Soul Series" program, professing, "What's so exciting about this book is that it