John And Garnett Podcast

Unreal Tournament, Sony's E3 lineup, Why Nintendo Should Buy Square-Enix, and Where to Get a Good Curry



This week, John and Garnett discuss the revival of arena based shooters, and why rebooting Unreal Tournament is such a good idea, whiz through the allegedly leaked Sony lineup for their E3 press conference next month, and talk about how Nintendo can get rid of the stench of failure that surrounds the Wii U. Our solution? Spend some of that warchest on some cool stuff. Maybe start with Square-Enix. Plus: Destiny, Driveclub, Japanese RPGs, Hearthstone, and Diablo 3. Also; if you want to know where to get a good curry in LA or the Bay Area, we have suggestions for you.Download First for Gamers on iOS and Android: