Rational Radio Daily With Steele And Ungar

"Mark Zuckerberg's net worth went up $3 billion because they [the Senate] didn't make him sweat."



Mark Zuckerberg appeared before the Senate Judiciary Committee Tuesday for the first of two public hearings on Capitol Hill this week. The Facebook founder and CEO addressed issues regarding data security and privacy related to the harvesting of private information by Cambridge Analytica and Russian meddling during the 2016 presidential election. Journalists and pundits were critical of the Senate Judiciary Committee from the very first question because it appeared the senators hadn't done their homework and were ignorant about some of the most basic aspects of Facebook. Steve Kovach, senior correspondent for Business Insider, says that let Zuckerberg get through the hearing virtually unscathed. Kovach breaks down the hearing with Michael and Rick and talks about what questions he'd like lawmakers to press Zuckerberg on. On Monday night, FBI agents raided the house, hotel room and office of Michael Cohen, President Trump’s longtime personal lawyer. Former federal prosecutor Seth Waxman weighs in on what the F