George Digianni Health And Wellness

More Sugar Substitute Dangers



In this episode, Dr Webster discusses the evidence  against sugar substitutes such as Splenda usage.   Using Splenda for 12-wk  has indicated many adverse effects 1. Reduced beneficial gut bacteria  2. Increase fecal pH (High pH attracts disease) 3. Limit bioavailability of orally drugs.  This means you won’t absorb your meds, in turn minimize their effectiveness and intended benefit.  This often leads to taking high doses of meds leading to more health issues. Preventing absorption also effects supplement use and lack of benefits. From link above: Splenda kills good gut bacteria A PubMed review of sucralose:   Although early studies asserted that sucralose passes through the GIT (gastrointestinal Tract unchanged, subsequent analysis suggested that some of the ingested sweetener is metabolized in the GIT. The identity and safety profile of these putative sucralose metabolites are not known at this time.    Sucralose and one of its hydrolysis product