Rational Radio Daily With Steele And Ungar

"Polls are the crack cocaine of political journalists."



Democrats are celebrating this week in the wake of Judge Rebecca Dallet’s election to the Wisconsin Supreme Court. She is the first Democrat to win an open seat on the court since 1995. Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker warned that Dallet’s win means we could see a “blue wave” in November's midterm elections that would give Democrats control of the House. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell told a Kentucky newspaper earlier this week that Republicans know the wind is in their face, saying, “We just don’t know if its category three, four or five.” Could the Dems still manage to mess it all up? Jeff Greenfield, an award-winning television journalist, talks about how the Left’s unforced errors and “Year of Magical Thinking” could potentially ruin their prospects for a "blue wave". Jamie McIntyre, a senior writer for the Washington Examiner, discusses President Trump’s decision to reverse course and keep U.S. troops in Syria.