Wellbeing Weekly

10 | BONUS: The Fear I've Been Struggling With Lately...



In Episode 9 this week, I talked about six common fears that may be holding you back in business and in life. I'm not talking phobias here, I'm talking deep, limiting, and often subconscious fears that prevent us from moving forward with our goals or dreams. I explained each fear and some tips that you can implement to push through to the other side. But what fear have I been struggling with lately? I'm glad you asked. In this episode I talk though which of the 6 fears has been an issue for me lately and then give you 8 strategies that I've been using to bust through this fear and start owning my voice, my content and my passion to offer wellbeing support.   Show Notes: https://www.wellbeingweekly.com.au/podcast10/ Wellbeing Weekly Instagram: @wellbeingweekly