Bbh Labs

Podcast 4 - Can Facebook Change Even If It Wants To?



The 'FacebookGate' data scandal poses huge and difficult questions about who has our data, what they use it for, and marketing's complicity. We ask what this crisis means for brands and consumers, and if, indeed, Facebook can change its ways even it it wants to. IN THIS EPISODE ⇩ Ben Shaw, Head of Strategy and data strategist Jack Colchester discuss: - What FacebookGate is and where it came from - What micro-targeting is - The difference between demographic and psychographic micro-targeting - Attempting to micro-target the hungover - The type of data Cambridge Analytica accessed - How this was an excellent use of platform, but a questionable use of data - How the public don’t understand the quantity of data they give up and how platforms are using it - How this could be the beginning of the end of the advertising funding model of the internet - The trend towards subscribers paying for quality content - FB shifting from micro-targeting to broadcasting at scale with reach and frequency buys - Twitter’s o