Ibn 'arabi Society

Beyond the Opposites: Identities and How to Survive Them in Light of the Light of Oneness



Sara Sviri has since 2002 been a distinguished visiting professor in the Department of Arabic and the Department of Comparative Religions at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Previously she taught at the Department of Hebrew and Jewish Studies at University College London and at the University of Oxford. She retired from academic teaching in 2012 and has since been engaged in lecturing and teaching on Sufism outside of academia, in Israel and elsewhere. Her fields of study are Islamic mysticism, mystical philosophy and psychology, comparative and phenomenological aspects of Islam, the formative period of Islamic mysticism, and related topics. Papers on these topics have been published in many academic publications and can be viewed on www.academia.edu. Her book The Taste of Hidden Things: Images on the Sufi Path was published in 1997 in the USA. In 2008, Tel-Aviv University Press published her extensive Sufi Anthology in Hebrew.