Ibn 'arabi Society

"And He taught Adam all the Names": The Foundation of the Spiritual Caliphate



Denis Gril was born in Paris in 1949. He studied Arabic language and civilisation at the Sorbonne. He spent several years in Arabic countries for teaching or reseach. He was for five years a member of the Institut Francais d'Archeologie Orientale in Cairo. Since 1981 he is a teacher of Arabic language and Islamic thought at the Universite de Provence. He is also a member of IREMAM (Institut de Recherche et d'Etudes sur le Monde Arabe et Musulman). He studied, published and translated some works of Ibn al-'Arabi and different aspects of his doctrine. He is also interested by lifes of saints as a source for History of Sufism and also by the foundation of Islamic spirituality in Koran and Sunna.