All The Things With Melissa Danielle

Do You Really Need a Six-Figure Health Coaching Practice?



A lot of health coaches and fellow wellness and spiritual practitioners avoid the money part of their business, but we need money to grow our business and to support our own health and happiness. A popular marketing trend right now is to convince you to create a six-figure coaching practice. What's missing from these pitches is the amount of time (years) it may take some of you to hit six figures, and the things you have to be willing to do to stay there, such as continuously investing in your business and your personal development. Without putting an exact dollar amount on your coaching practice, here's another way to figure out how much you want to make and how you have to set yourself up to reach your money goals. Your health coaching practice is unique to your personal and professional desires, so don't compare what you're doing or want to be doing with what others are doing. You may be interested in reading these books, which can help you create a success and abundance mindset: The Fire Starter Sess