All The Things With Melissa Danielle

Get Really Good at Doing First Things First



  One thing I hear often from coaches who haven't been able to create a sustainable health coaching practice is that the business model they were given doesn't work.  Sure, a coaching business model may not be the right fit for your personality and business goals, but what I found most often, after asking a few key questions, is that it isn't that the business model doesn't work, it's that the health coach didn't put in the work. Many health coaches (myself included), try to do too many things and be in too many places at once and lack consistency and follow-through. In this episode, I talk about building one part of your health coaching practice at a time, and getting good at doing one thing before moving on to the next. Your health coaching practice is unique to your personal and professional desires, so don't compare what you're doing or want to be doing with what others are doing. You may be interested in reading these books, which can help you create a success and abundance mindset: The Fire Starter