All The Things With Melissa Danielle

#BreatheOnPurpose like Darth Vader (Ujjayi Pranayam)



The information presented here is not intended to replace the advice of a licensed healthcare professional, nor is it intended to prevent, diagnose, or cure illness or disease. Please consult your primary healthcare professional before making any changes or additions to your current routine. Ujjayi (oo-jai) breath is also known as oceanic breathing and the victorious breath. Because of the sound you make, I like to call it the Darth Vader breath. Ujjayi is often used during Hatha practice to help maintain focus through the asana flow, during other forms of physical activity, and to also relieve tension and nervous energy. With this breath, you're only breathing through your nose, while slightly constricting the throat along with a root and chest lock. These locks are called bandhas, For more about bandhas, check out Yoga International's A Beginner's Guide to Bandhas.  You may become lightheaded during this breathwork, so it's highly suggested that you spend a few minutes in long deep breathing before yo