Rational Radio Daily With Steele And Ungar

"If there's documentation in your file that says 'You're a liar, you haven't been candid'...that is very often a death sentence."



Attorney General Jeff Sessions fired FBI deputy director Andrew McCabe Friday night, two days before McCabe intended to retire and collect his full benefits as a federal employee. The FBI’s Office of Professional Responsibility recommended McCabe’s termination earlier this month, citing an incident in 2016 where he allowed FBI agents to give information about the Clinton investigation to media outlets. Some lawmakers on both sides of the aisle agree that McCabe’s firing seems justified in the wake of the OPR report. Others, mostly Democrats, argue this was a vindictive move carried out largely at the behest of President Trump—who has been publicly attacking McCabe for months. Ron Hosko, a former assistant FBI director, shares his perspective on the possible mishandling of McCabe’s dismissal and Congressman Matt Gaetz (R-Fla. 01) explains why he thinks special counsel Robert Mueller should step down from the Russia investigation.