Rational Radio Daily With Steele And Ungar

"If there's anything that can get a bipartisan agreement [in D.C.], it's spending the taxpayers' money."



The House passed a $1.3 trillion omnibus spending bill today that will fund the government through September 30th. Many Republicans, especially members of the House Freedom Caucus, vocally criticized the bill for continuing the “business-as-usual” big spending of Congresses past. Members were also furious because the text of the 2,232-page bill was not made available to them until 16 hours before the vote. Congressman Scott Perry (R-Penn. 04), who voted against the omnibus bill, talks to Michael and Rick about his dissatisfaction with the legislative process. Phillip Bump, national correspondent for the Washington Post, joins the guys to help us answer the question: “Can Facebook be regulated?”