Men Of Iron

MOI 004 | The First Step to Getting What You Want | Stop....



Today's Episode: This will be a different episode from ones in the past. In addition to the interviews we will have with Men of Iron, we are going to have some frank, real discussions These will be around topics like the code, keys, door, and stack These are all relevant to one conversation: winning The purpose of life is growth and expansion, but even more so it is winning at the game in all areas of your life How are you setting up your life and business in a gamified manner?  If you are a man who wants to be a different man, you need to gamify your life and business If you are in the darkness, this podcast is for you Your first mission is to start getting real. We can't set up a system for you to get what you want and have it all, unless you know exactly where you are right now Look yourself in the mirror. How real can you get with that person that is looking back at you? If you can't get real, we can't move forward