Twin Stick Radio

Ep 11 - Special Guest Patrick Dees from FCFL



This week we are joined by one of our favorite people from the Twin Stick 1.0 days, Patrick Dees. Make sure you check out the Fan Controlled Football League at And follow on Twitter at @PtotheDees. This week in gaming news, Geralt from the Witcher Series will be in Soul Caliber 6, Square Enix has announced the next Tomb Raider game, Drake and Ninja broke Twitch's concurrent viewer record, Call of Duty is getting zombie Leprechauns, concept art from Star Wars Battlefront 4 was leaked, xQc was let go from the Overwatch League, Square Enix is hiring more people for the Final Fantasy remake, Microsoft is holding a global treasure hunt for Sea of Thieves, Mobius Digital (What Remains of Edith Finch) is working on a new game, and something about something Dota 2.  Follow the show on Twitter @TwinStickRadio and on Facebook at Please make sure rate, review, and subscribe to us on your favorite podcast app. You can follow the guys on Twitter. Trey is @DarthTrey, Ch