Start Over Coder

056 - Planning A New Website Project



For any new web project, taking the time to PLAN before you CODE is key! Here are some key questions I asked myself before I started coding the new Start Over Coder website. It came down to 7 key questions: Question 1: Who is the site for (visitors)? This is about taking into consideration all of the likes and dislikes, wants and needs of the people you expect will be visiting your site. Are there certain aesthetics that they like or are used to? Do they expect a certain level of interactivity? Do you need to think about optimizing your site and code for accessibility (hint: yes!)? What do you need to do for browser support? Can you reliably expect your visitors to have modern browsers, or should you focus a bit on making the site compatible for older browsers (if your visitors are less tech savvy, probably!)? What kinds of devices and internet connection speeds are your visitors likely to have? How does this affect the content and media assets you include on your site? Question 2: Who is the site for (clie