Start Over Coder

057 - How I FI - The Starting Point



Let’s talk about financial independence! Up until now I've shied away from talking about the FI side of this Start Over Coder project. I've made so many wrong moves with my own money that it's like, who am I to talk about the subject with any kind of authority!? Not to mention the fact that I'm years away from seeing the outcomes of my actions...maybe I'm still doing it wrong. Plus it's just a sensitive topic! But I do think one of the main reasons why it can feel so sensitive is because people don't really talk about it, and since FI is a big part of why I started learning to code, I definitely don't want to hold anything back about that side of things. So over the next few episodes I'll share a bit about how I FI, what I'm doing to become financially independent. But before getting into the specifics, it might be helpful to know a bit of my background to get a sense of what led me to do all of this in the first place. Here's a quick recap from the podcast (listen for more context!): Pretty solid upbringing