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058 - How I FI - Learning The Basics



Continuing on with a favorite topic of mine—financial independence! In last week's episode I shared a bit about what my mindset around personal finances was before I discovered the concept of FI. Tl;dr: the more I earned, the more I spent, and I couldn’t imagine a reality where things would or could be different. I’m so glad I learned that there is a better way! For me, finding that better way came in three parts: 1) getting introduced to the idea & basic concepts of financial independence 2) applying that information to figure out my current FI status; 3) making a long term plan to actually work towards FI. To summarize the steps I talked about in the podcast… 1. Getting A Proper Introduction While I’d love to take the credit for making a conscious decision to improve my finances, the credit actually goes to the book The Four Pillars of Investing by William Bernstein, which I got on a whim when it was on sale on Amazon. This book covers all the basics & history of the stock market. Most importantly,