Rational Radio Daily With Steele And Ungar

"The goal here was not to have a State Department. He [Trump] didn't want really a Secretary of State."



President Trump fired Secretary of State Rex Tillerson via tweet in the wee hours of Tuesday morning. The president’s decision came after months of reports that the president was upset with his top diplomat over policy differences and an incident in which Tillerson referred to Mr. Trump as a “F***ing moron.” Secretary Tillerson leaves the State Department under-staffed, with low morale, and low standing in the international community. As Max Bergmann, a former State Department official, said to Michael and Rick, “I think he’ll go down in history as the as the worst Secretary of State we’ve ever had.” However, Bergmann noted that Tillerson could lose that title depending on how Mike Pompeo—current CIA Director and Trump’s pick for Tillerson’s successor—and his more establishment, neo-con sensibilities clash with the president’s. Rick and Michael share their thoughts on Tillerson’s ouster and his legacy while Max lays out how the State Department might function under Director Pompeo’s leadership.