Rational Radio Daily With Steele And Ungar

"I think the Democratic Party may be split a little bit on do we go resist or do we go Conor Lamb?'



The special election in Pennsylvania’s 18th district remains somewhat unsettled. The New York Times officially called the election for Democratic candidate Conor Lamb, who leads Republican candidate Rick Saccone by mere hundreds of votes. Many in the GOP, including House Speaker Paul Ryan, said Lamb won because he ran more like a Republican than a Democrat and that Dems won't be able to replicate Lamb’s strategy nationally in November. Ed Henry, chief national correspondent for Fox News, discusses why Conor Lamb's expected win in PA-18 represents a challenging rift for House Democrats and the party at large. Career counterintelligence officer Malcolm Nance explains the severity of the Russian-orchestrated nerve agent attack in the United Kingdom and his frustration with President Trump continuing to downplay such aggressive and egregious Russian behavior.