Boiling The Ocean

Decide already!



Decision-making may be the single most critical skill we need to have a successful career and life. From the little choices we make (should I go to the gym after work?) to those that can sometimes define our lives (should we move to London?), our trajectory is nothing more than the sum total of our decisions and their results. Isn’t it amazing, though, that we never get any instruction in school or even from our parents as to how to make decisions? Sure, Mom and Dad give us values, which should certainly influence us. But do they - or does anyone - teach us how to make good choices? We learn how to drive a car (a skill that may no longer be necessary soon) yet we’re never taught how to decide (a skill that will always be necessary). This episode is meant to start a conversation on this critical skill. We’ve been studying decision-making for years and in this edition, we’ll discuss how consulting firms address this issue, identify one critical habit to build and sketch out one surefire way to make more infor