George Digianni Health And Wellness

Male/Female Sexual Dysfunction



It's getting hot in here. Dr. Rudman discusses causes & new, safer treatments that actually work. Imagine not having to use medication to fix dysfunctional sexual issues for both men and women. Male sexual function/dysfunction Incidence of Erectile Dysfunction - 40% at age 40 70% at age 70 Incidence of Premature Ejaculation amongst men - 30% Average penile length: 3inches flaccid 5 erect 6inches is at 95 percentile 7 inches 98% Penis length is dramatically more important to men then women Causes of ED Traditional Treatments New Treatments: Wave (Shockwave) extracorporeal shock wave therapy the science behind the technology involves something called low-intensity shockwave therapy.  20-minute procedure could enhance one's sex life, build entirely new blood vessels to the genitals, fix libido and sexual issues, eliminate erectile dysfunction, and increase size and vascularity—all without the use of Cialis or Viagra. We also discuss the P-Shot and Stem Cell treatments Female