Daughters of Mormonism

Episode 26: The Layers of Sex Education



Right click here to download the mp3. "Teach Your Baby about the Birds & the Bees" MobileWhat were you taught about sexuality by your parents, in school, and at church? Could you name your genitals correctly as a child? How did you gain your most valuable knowledge about sexuality? Often, sex education fails to empower women about their sexuality and instead makes them feel that they need to be the gatekeepers of chastity and keep the boys in line. In this panel discussion, Sybil, Sara, Juliane, and Heather discuss their experiences with and hopes for sex education. ResourcesA Parent's Guide Church Manual"Teaching about Procreation and Chastity" in the Family Home Evening Resource Manual Woman: An Intimate Geography by Natalie AngierMormon Missionary Position blog If you have ideas, stories, or suggestions for Sara's Mormon Sex Ed project, email her at mormonsexedproject @ gmail.com