Podcasts From The Journal Medical Education 2011

Really Good Stuff from Medical Education



Twice a year, Medical Education publishes a selection of the best short structured reports submitted to its ‘Really Good Stuff: Lessons learned through innovation in medical education’ section. This section has always been intended to be an outlet for the dissemination of descriptions of exciting new ideas in a variety of areas including curriculum design, teaching practice, assessment or evaluation and attempts at programme or curriculum change. As of May 2011, RGS has taken on a new form, encouraging educators to share the insights they have gained (for better or worse) as a result of their educational scholarship rather than compelling them to demonstrate the success of their innovations. In this podcast Kevin Eva talks to Brownie Anderson (Senior Director of Educational Programmes for the Association of American Medical Colleges and Editor of the Medical Education 'Really Good Stuff Series'. Read the accompanying Editorial: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1365-2923.2011.03990.x/full