Podcasts From The Journal Medical Education 2011

Teaching operating room conflict management to surgeons: clarifying the optimal approach



Conflict management has been identified as an essential competence for surgeons as they work in operating room (OR) teams; however, the optimal approach is unclear. Social science research offers two alternatives, the first of which recommends that task-related conflict be managed using problem-solving techniques while avoiding relationship conflict. The other approach advocates for the active management of relationship conflict as it almost always accompanies task-related conflict. Clarity about the optimal management strategy can be gained through a better understanding of conflict transformation, or the inter-relationship between conflict types, in this specific setting. The purpose of this study was to evaluate conflict transformation in OR teams in order to clarify the approach most appropriate for an educational conflict management programme for surgeons. Editor in Chief Kevin Eva speaks to David Rogers (Department of Surgery, Faculty of School of Medicine, Southern Illinois University, Springfield, Il