Welcome To Sleepy Hollow

Episode 7 - Seamlessly Edited



Abbey and Sarah review episode 10 - Golum of FOX's Sleepy Hollow We talk about how we feel as Ichabod deals with the revelation of his fatherhood. John Nobel returns as the ever interesting Henry Parish, our resident Sin Eater! We moan yet again about how unimpressed and uninvested we are in Katrina's arc this season. We also see some thread of continuity having seen the creepy ass golum/doll in a previous episode. The prospect of a month haitus is killing us, so we ask for YOUR suggestions of a podcast to do over the holidays! What do you want us to talk about? email: welcometosleepyhollow@gmail.com tumblr: welcome2sleepyhollow.tumblr.com twitter: @WTSHPodcast