Errand Of Mercy

Errand of Mercy Episode 77, 03/03/2014: Strong Enough for an Allegator Fuck House but made for a Delorian



Intro: The Clash - Radio Clash// Radio Guilla Chiwawas are taking over Arizona, Dogs are basically wolves, Putin appears to have been reading a lot of Tom Clancy, old/new America's Next top Model is back and Tyra Banks may be a Lich, Porn MD may actually be useful for something, while Twitch wins Pokemon while new pokemon gradually goes insane. Geraint's universal law of toilets, What's your piss jam, we get really confused about Duran Duran and Roger Moore, Simon's Tiesto plan, daring sex acts, discussing bold penis tattoos, getting excited for Wrestlemania and Hulk Hogan is starting to fall apart.// Outro: Dog Panic - Calp