Rational Radio Daily With Steele And Ungar

"I wish Trump would embrace the other half of governing: communication."



Rational Radio Daily is LIVE from CPAC! Gary Johnson, the former governor of New Mexico and 2016 Libertarian Party nominee for president, has been out of the national spotlight since the end of the election, but keeps his eyes on the direction of national politics. He tried to sum up his thoughts on the current immigration debate, saying, “If we build a wall across the border, at some point, as a nation, we’re going to tear it down because of the stain it represents on our Republic.” Governor Johnson sat down with Rick Ungar to share his third-party perspective on gun control, tax reform, dealing with North Korea and more. Ed Morrissey, senior editor of HotAir.com, joined Michael and Rick to discuss whether arming teachers in an effort to make schools and children safer has any merit.