Desert Island Discourse

B-Side: Max’s Favorite Post-Punk EPs



The world is a cold, dark, terrible place y'all—and we're not just saying that because Max is about to hit the existential crisis point that is "turning 30". So we're returning to the two things that have always brought us joy in troubled times: ridiculously obscure EPs and post-punk. While this podcast started as a celebration of the discography above all else, that criteria excludes some of our favorite music, and no genre has been more slighted by that than Post-Punk. Even with our multi-album survey last year, so much of the best music under that umbrella is left out, relegated to 12" singles and EPs that went out of print more or less immediately. So this week, we're making an excuse to finally dig into that esoteric crate, starting with Max's absolute favorite examples of the form (it is, after all, her birthday week). We start with The Chameleons' gorgeous swan song, Tony Fletcher Walked on Water La La La La La-La La-La-La (around here we like to pretend Why Call It Anything? never happened), move in