Covenant Community Church - Gps-god Positioning System

Turned Inside Out: Integrity – MOVE – Choosing A New Attitude (Session Four)



Turned Inside Out: Integrity – MOVE – Choosing A New Attitude (Session Four) Topics/Passage: direction, living, Perfection, Psalm 78:70-72 Summary: We are discovering how to MOVE as individuals who are trying to be who we were created to be. We are also discovering how to become a MOVEMENT as a body of believers who are aggressively trying to live the lives God has placed before us. Our study has been exploring how to choose a new attitude. We have seen that we have to choose humility and today we find there is another choice we must make. The choice to have integrity. Sadly, most people have missed what integrity really is about. Because most of us have not defined integrity correctly we don’t know what we are striving for, we don’t recognize integrity when we see and experience it, and we don’t value it because there is so much misinformation about it. Today we look at integrity through a Biblical lens and see if we can choose this for ourselves.