Covenant Community Church - Gps-god Positioning System

Is Faith Nonsense (cause sometimes I just don’t really get it)? – Nitty Gritty (Session Three)



Is Faith Nonsense (cause sometimes I just don’t really get it)? – Nitty Gritty (Session Three) Topics/Passage: 2 Corinthians 4, Aftermath, NON-Sense, Problem, Solution Summary: Here we go again! We are getting down to the real issues and questions that people struggle and sometimes muddle through when the start thinking about God. In the honest journey of searching for God, we inevitably run into the issue of faith. The question might be asked a million different ways but at its core it sounds something like this – “How do we believe in something we cannot see?” And that brings us to another Nitty Gritty moment… today we will take an honest look and answer the question – Is faith nonsense? Let’s get ready to explore and be warned, what we find may surprise you.